Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Okie doke. It's offical. BreezeClan is going to be shut down. I'm not deleting it, of course. I guess... it's just inactive. SERIOUSLY inactive. Thank you for your time. No one needs to come here anymore. We are dead, BreezeClan is.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Word to Bullies

I've never been bullied. I've never bullied anyone. I do, however, know some people who have been bullied. And evidently, it's not a pleasing expirence.

The girl you just called fat, she's overdosing on diet pills.
The girl you just called ugly, she spends hours putting makeup on.
The boy you just tripped, he is abused enough at home. 
That guy you just made fun of for crying, his mother is dying.
Put this as your signature if your against bullying.

I bet 95% of you won't re-post this, but I'm sure the people with a heart will.

I did not write this, but someone who cares did.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Just for the record, this blog is not going to be shut down. I'm just having a pretty chaotic life at the moment, and I can only blog on Sundays. I'm mad at myself and at the rest of the world. Hey world, can I swear? Okay. $%*#&!! Thanks for listening.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sad News

I have a big project going on in my life AT THE MOMENT, so I will only be able to go on on Sunday. Please note that this is only temporary and will probably end sometime in early April. Sadness. This is very literally an all-time-low for me.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What I May Do....

I may become president of the United States. Or a best selling author. Naw, I'm just messing with you. But it's possible. Anyway, I may make a writing blog. Because I think I am a terrible writer, but I wanna hear opinions. So.... Oh, yeah, I recently figured out how to do colors on the fonts on this.

YEAH!!! WOO!! Yeah....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Late Happy Valentine's Day

Late Happy Valentine's Day!! I know BreezeClan has kinda died, but I will work my hardest to raise it up again. On a random note, I am SO excited for the Hunger Games movie on March 23. If Lionsgate messes this up, they mess me up. Be warned!! I still haven't gotten over the Percy Jackson movie they torn in two and stomped on the pieces. I HATE WHAT THEY DID TO IT!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Crashing And Burning

BreezeClan is dying out like the airbenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender. (Sorry, I'm really into that show right now.) Anyway, I think we need more people to join, and members, please come as often as you can. I thank you for your time. *bows like Aang and leaves*